Vancouver Otoplasty (Ear Pinning)
Dr. Adrian Lee

Dr. Adrian Lee is one of the few Vancouver cosmetic surgeons who perform otoplasty, or ear pinning, to help patients with protruding ears. Please read the text below to learn more about this procedure.

What is Ear Pinning (Otoplasty)?

If you are unhappy with the shape of your ears or your ears protrude from the side of your head, an otoplasty may be of interest.

What is Involved?

  • The procedure is done as a day surgery in our Surgical Centre.
  • By reshaping the cartilage, the ears are placed closer to the head through incisions placed behind the ears so scars are well hidden.

What is the Healing Time?

  • A gauze bandage is worn for about a week after surgery so the ears will heal in their new, flat, position.
  • Discomfort is easily handled with oral medication.
  • Otoplasty usually leaves a faint scar behind the ear that will fade as time passes.
  • Patients can go back to work after about a week, the ears usually look normal after about 10-20 days

Contact us today at (604) 582-2762 to schedule your cosmetic enhancement consultation with Dr. Adrian Lee.

Visit our plastic/cosmetic surgery office in Surrey, British Columbia (BC) near the Vancouver (Canada) area.

In addition to helping Vancouver and Surrey otoplasty patients, Dr. Lee also performs a variety of other facial cosmetic procedures, including helping Vancouver facial implants and face lift patients.